How to respawn the guide in Terraria

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The Guide is the NPC with the Greenish shirt and the blue pants that you encounter in the first seconds of Terraria. His actions, just like his name suggests is to guide you through the daily and most basic things in Terraria. The Guide is a strange little fellow that has some mechanics to him that are quite hard to understand, but bear with us. In the 1.3.2. update the Guide was given the ability to randomly start a party. He wasn’t killable by monsters up until the 1.0.3 update. He is vulnerable and quite unpredictable now, as he tends to wander and fall off of cliffs sometimes. Luckily, the Guide won’t be hurt from falling so you mustn’t worry about that. His most handy use is to see the crafting recipe of any item that you show to the Guide. He shows info relevant to your current status. But an unpleasant turn of events can occur and the 15 defense and 250 HP of the Guide can be ignored and he might die. If he dies before you have successfully built a house which he can inhabit, there won’t be a guide until you have constructed another proper dwelling which the Guide can occupy. He doesn’t respawn during the night and the Wall of Flesh can only be summoned if the Guide is alive.

So if you saw Guide’s demise – construct a house and see him return.

A fun fact – you can attack the Guide directly with the help of Guide Voodoo doll. Since NPC’s can’t be targeted by your direct attacks otherwise. Once in hardmode the Guide loses all of his value since his tips become useless (pretty much) apart from a few that point out light and night…

So we hope this article has answered the question: “How to respawn the Guide in Terraria”


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