Warframe free platinum

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Platinum is the in-game currency which is used to purchase things and progress in-game. Platinum can be bought with real life money or by trading with other players. Although trading takes a lot of hard work and dedication – a shorter yet a more “pocket emptying” method is available – buying them. We only recommend doing so from the Official Warframe Website, but you can find other retailers at your own risk. As it stands today, One piece of Platinum costs 0.067 USD, so a 1000 Platinum would cost you 67 dollars. Pretty expensive, right? And there isn’t so MUCH to do with a 1000 Plats. It’s cool and all, but it’s definitely not a world changer. That’s why in this article we’ll try to show you legal ways (no scams) of earning Platinum. So let’s begin.

  1. Trading

The good, old-fashioned method of grind and collect. For this you have to sell and get. Search various community marketplaces, where players of Warframe gather to look for items. Make contacts, analyze the demand and you can start crafting and selling items for players in need. Go in to the trade chat and see what is everyone looking for. Not the quickest method, but by far the most common.

  1. Daily activities

These are highlighted and provide some sort of bonus (not much though)

  1. Lower your price

If you put your product on a marketplace – cut the price, find a customer who is looking for an item and scout the supply. Offer him the product for a lower price. People think that selling an item worth 12 Plats for 18 is easy, but the person buying isn’t stupid. If he’s not in a “my life depends on it” type of rush, he’s not going to buy it. Sell it for 14 plats, you still get a profit and who knows, maybe get a loyal customer.

  1. Communities and clans

There are sponsored contests that have prizes of platinum and your activity in a clan may offer rewards for it.

There are of course, other ways to earn Platinum, but they may not be legal or just fair. Don’t hesitate and contact us if you have any tips, tricks or ideas. We’re waiting for your letters. Until next time.

Yours truly,


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