Fallout 4: Easiest way to take out Swan at Low Levels

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In Fallout 4, you have to deal with a bunch of enemies. Some, might not scale that well like the others and Swan is like that. Meeting him randomly, you might get killed fast, but with this guide, you’ll find an easier way to deal with that problem. First, get to the Park Street Station, which is to the north of the Swans Pond. You’ll see a dilapidated bus. Coming close to it, you should turn to your right. You’ll see an entrance to the parking garage. Go in, eliminate any raiders that you might meet inside. Don’t worry though, no matter what level you are, raiders inside the garage will scale accordingly, so you won’t have any real problems with them. Reach the top of the parking garage by using stairs. On the roof the garage, you’ll see a small platform with a lawn chair. To the right of it, you’ll see a railing. Using your "Spacebar" skills, jump from onto the railing, and from it, jump on the balcony to your left. The balcony will provide you with a decent cover, distance and a clear shot at Swan. Using a weapon like a sniper rifle, you can easily take him out. Don’t leave him just laying there though, for you might find a unique weapon in his inventory laying there for the taking. Good sniping!

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