Super Indie Karts (0)
Playable Roster
- Turing from
- from
- from
- Canabalt from
- Lea from Cross Code
- Teslakid from
- Titus from
- Sparkie the Android
- A.R.E.S. from
- Duck from
- from
- from
- Toto Blue from
- Toto Green from Toto Temple Deluxe
- Toto Red from Toto Temple Deluxe
- Toto Yellow from Toto Temple Deluxe
- Pip from
- Lord O'Saurus from Gentlemen... Ricochet!
- Protomutt from The Legend of Lobodestroyo Vs. la Liga de los Villanos
- from
- from Aegis Defenders
- Danielle from
- Clive & Wrench from
- Conway from Read Only Memories
- Spirit from Read Only Memories
- C.A.T. from
- from
- from Purple Pirate Penguin
- (original character)
- (original character)
- from
- Super III from Super III
- from
- from
- Hue from
- Val from Runbow
- Moonman