The Ruins of the Lost Kingdom: Chronicle (0)

The Ruins of the Lost Kingdom: Chronicle
First release date


The Ruins of the Lost Kingdom: Chronicle, or RoLC for short, is a Japanese online action game developed by . It is an attempt to combine RoL, its single-player predecessor that had seen no development between 2008 and 2012, and The Ruins of the Lost Kingdom Online, which was worked on instead. They can both be accessed from RoLC, but the two games are still kept separate in the sense that play data from one side does not affect the other.


RoLC stages usually involve killing groups of enemies and then a level boss. It bears some similarities to Monster Hunter, with magical attacks as well as melee. Combat mechanics feature a unique combo system. As players lift and juggle the enemy, a lift proration is applied, decreasing the amount the enemy is lifted into the air. Once per combo, players can smash them into the ground with certain attacks, which will reset the lift proration. A combo finisher will apply damage scaled by the square root of the combo hits, as well as knocking the enemy away which enables another player to continue the combo. Clearing levels will grant materials, which are used to upgrade or craft new gear. Money is not given out in level rewards, so the only way to get money is by selling the materials, which can be done from the level reward screen or by selling items to NPCs.


Though technically an MMO, games are player-hosted and may require port forwarding (2400 UDP) to host.

RoL Side

RoL in RoLC has updated mechanics as well as online cooperative play. The story follows the main character Feltis, as he searches for a certain person. The original RoL content is still being incrementally added to RoLC.

RoLO Side

RoLC serves as the continued development of RoLO.


Official Site -

Japanese Wiki -

English Wiki (Outdated) -