Mu-Cade (0)

Mac PC Linux
ABA Games
ABA Games


Mu-cade was released for Windows, and as it is open-source it has been compiled for Mac and Linux as well.


Mu-Cade is a dual-stick shooter that takes place on a platform with no walls. Instead of being destroyed, when a ship on the platform is shot, it is pushed in the opposite direction. The player's goal is to remain on the platform for as long as possible, while also pushing the enemies off the platform with their fire. Each time an enemy vessel is destroyed it transfers its snake-like tail to the player's ship. The player can then press a button to destroy the tail and boost their firing power for an amount of time proportional to the length of the tail. Players must balance the need for a longer boost in power with the added area that they can be hit. The player starts with only one life, but she can earn more at certain score thresholds. The game is over when the player runs out of lives by falling off the edge one too many times.