Far Cry 4 secrets

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Far Cry 4 is littered with so many secrets that we can’t do it justice and list them all. We’ll leave a video below showing how to locate them and find them for yourselves. But in this article, gamespedition has decided to describe and give you the guide on how to see for yourselves the most fun and rather more interesting easter eggs/secrets. Enjoy the list!


There are two alternate endings in Far Cry 4. One can be experienced right at the beginning and the other in the ending sequence

  1. In the beginning when you’re kidnapped by Pagan Min and fed dinner, wait for Pagan to leave your table after saying “I’ll be right back”. After about 15 minutes a cutscene will start where he thanks you for your patience and takes you to the Lakshmana to scatter the ashes. Then the credits come. Fun, huh?

  2. In the good old Golden Path ending you can spare Pagan Min and once he leaves with the helicopter shoot and take him down. This creates a location of the crash and once you loot Pagan Min’s corpse you can find a golden pen and 250 000 cash.

Movie references

These are just fun.

  • Anchorman: after you rescue or save a villager from Pagan’s forces he might say “Boy, that escalated quickly, I mean, that really got out of hand fast!”

  • Breaking Bad and Scarface: Rabi Ray Rana mentions both Walter White and Tony Montana when talking about Pagan Min’s plane, which is full of heroin.

  • There are also references to: Indiana Jones: The last crusade – a dead explorer with a chalice in his hands, can be found inside a cave, Game of Thrones reference is a random photo with a profane description about dwarves, Robocop’s initials A.J.M. are given to the A.J.M. 9 pistol and you can also see some references to the Matrix.

Previous Far Cry nods

For the fans of the series

  • Longinus gives Ajay a GPS locator which as a cracked screen – the same one from Far Cry 2.

  • Hurk – the character, your ally mentions that one of his bros, “tattoo bros” is Jack from FC1.

  • Kyrat and Rakyat are extremely similar names, so it’s no surprise that the developers put an Easter egg with these two. Sometimes Golden Path members scream the battle cry: RAKYAT!

  • Vaas’s hula doll can be found in loot.


  • After you complete Yogi & Reggie missions you get a gift from them. A pipe. A magical pipe (wink wink) that when used will wake Ajay up in a random location of Kyrat. It’s different every time.

  • If you shoot the bell you can hear a different ringing sound rather than the regular bullet impact.

  • There is a cave filled with dead royal army guards with one bearing an Adolf Hitler Nazi sign. You can encounter this in the hunting mission ‘That’s a lot of vipers’.

Hope this helps you find you those fun and creative Easter eggs. If you have any questions or suggestions we encourage you to contact us and share your thoughts. Don’t forget to rate the article and follow us on social media. Until next time!




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