Far Cry Primal Beginners Tips

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Far Cry Primal is a big game (just like any other Far Cry entry). And it takes time to get adjusted to some of its features. Here are some Far Cry Primal tips that will help you at the beginning:


  • Loot and collect everything that’s possible. You need every possible-to-get resource for crafting, healing and building. You don’t want to leave all the goodies rotting.
  • Collectibles are useful, they give you more XP.
  • Get some tribe members. They will help you to unlock new abilities and crafting items
  • Headshots and takedowns are the best thing you can do. They induce a lot of damage and they give you a lot of XP which is really cool.
  • Upgrade your priority skills ASAP.
  • You will like sabertooths. Go find one and tame it. It’s a really good looking beast, and almost everyone fears him. You can also ride it which is awesome. However sabertooth are not fond of water…
  • Exploit the rocks. They work like a very good distraction. And once you get a slingshot you can hit people with rocks. Ridiculous statement, maybe, but true and fun.

Check out the video for more Far Cry Primal Beginners Tips. 

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