Metro 2033 is a pretty long game which doesn’t have an online mode. It means that the whole story takes action in a single mode. There’s an unspoken rule for game developers which claims that single-only stories should be long enough to satisfy players. However, folks from 4A games follow this rule not at all. It takes 9 hours 30 minutes on the average to beat the main story of Metro 2033, but it’s not long enough, isn’t it? Anyway, the game is dynamic and these hours are full of action or surviving.
Let’s discover exact timings and important features of the story.
Time needed for different styles of playing
There is a complete statistics for different runs collected from hundreds of players. Here we have collected this data. You can easily discover how long the game is for explorers or for speedrunners. The main information is provided for a simple game story, for the main story with extra locations and achievements and for full completing of the game. Here are also exact timings with for speedruns. Note that main statistics are valid for PC users. It may be another for Xbox 360.
Timings are listed below:
- Time needed for simple beating the game – 9 hours 37 minutes on the average.
The fastest run here takes 6 hours 59 minutes.
The slowest run here takes 15 hours 14 minutes.
- Time needed for beating the game with extras – 11 hours 47 minutes on the average.
The fastest run here takes 8 hours 41 minutes.
The slowest run here takes 18 hours 11 minutes.
- Time needed for complete exploration of the world – 20 hours 54 minutes on the average.
The fastest run here takes 13 hours 27 minutes.
The slowest run here takes 37 hours 57 minutes.
- Time needed for speedrun – 5 hours 55 minutes and 37 seconds on the average.
As you can see, it’s all up to you. If you want to literally beat the game try to complete it as fast as you can. But then you may miss a lot of unique experience which the game provides. So we recommend exploring the game’s universe. There are secret missions and ways, hidden rooms and stations, a lot of loot and unobvious achievements. In the same time, Metro 2033 is pretty linear and you just cannot explore entire Moscow subway. Be ready for these features.
Features of chapters and levels
Here we also want to provide a short overview of all chapters. This part can help you to realize how long the game is and what plot twists there are. Be aware of some slight spoilers in the text below. So here is the list of chapters:
- Prologue. It shows some episodes from the end of the game and provides an introduction to the entire story. Here you also can get the basics of the game. Includes 2 levels.
- Let the Journey Begin. It reveals the first part of Artyom and his mates’ story. Here you will face first real horror level as well as with a dynamical action. Includes 2 levels.
- Bourbon. It is a pretty long chapter where you will travel with the first companion. Get ready to several fights and first expedition to the surface. Includes 7 levels.
- Khan. It offers you to proceed with next companion. This chapter is full of supernatural anomalies, mystics, and legends of a metro. Includes 5 levels.
- War. It is the middle of the game. Here you will travel to Polis through stations of Fourth Reich and Red Line. It is obvious that these groups are rivals. Includes 7 levels.
- Hope. It is the moment of Artyom’s disappointment. As Polis has not sent his forces against Dark Ones you have to explore hidden part of Moscow subway. Includes 6 levels.
- D6. Here you are. The most secret complex called also Metro-2. Explore governmental stations and tunnels to find another way to deal with mutants. Includes 6 levels.
- Tower. It’s the final chapter which features your travel to Ostankino Tower. Don’t forget that endings depend on your actions during the whole game. Includes 3 levels.
Also, detailed description for each chapter and level is available in another guide. We hope this guide will help you to beat the game in the most comfortable way!