Aegis (0)

First release date
Innuendo Squad Studios
Innuendo Squad Studios


Aegis is a 2D top-down action survival shooter, developed by Innuendo Squad Studios. The game's projected release date is October 6th, 2016, and will be released to the PC and Linux platforms. The game marks the first title release to the market by Innuendo Squad Studios.


Starting Dialogue

In Aegis, the player takes on the role of the sole mech (or ATEX Battlesuit, in Aegis lore) pilot in a settlement of people who are trying to build a structure called the "Atmospheric Cleansing Unit", which will supposedly save the world from a nuclear winter by clearing out the toxins and smoke from earth's clogged atmosphere. The player does this by collecting 6 A.C.U parts, and collecting/maintaining a certain threshold of the 3 resources: Fuel, Scrap Metal, and Electronics. The A.C.U parts can be obtained by pressing "E", which subsequently leads the player to enemy bases (of which there are 8) that each contain 1 A.C.U part, and a random selection of other items (of which can be any tier). Once the player collects all they need and the A.C.U is finished, the A.C.U will then prepare to begin it's cycle for a short period of time, and then begin terraforming. If a player makes it to the end of the terraforming cycle without dying or having the A.C.U run out of fuel, the game is won. If they fail in either of these things, the game is lost.

Aegis is considered to be a , however the developers have included the ability to save progress as the game has been reported to be "too hard" by testers and content creators who have attempted to beat the game without saving. It is strongly recommended that you save. If a player chooses not to save, then the game has . Aegis reportedly can take between 2 and 6 hours to beat, depending on the skill level of the player.

A.C.U Construction

Settlement Tab (Outside View)

Each A.C.U part adds 5% to the A.C.U's construction percentage, even after the necessary 6 have been added. Additionally, when the player stocks up more than 50 units of any resource, construction will commence and the percentage will slowly grow upward. The rate of construction increases with each resource over the threshold, meaning if a player has all three resources over 50, the construction rate will be 3 times that of when they have only 1 resource over the threshold. This is indicated by the red arrows to the right of the construction progress bar. Resources can be found in any building, and can also be stolen from enemy bases, as enemies will also steal from the player. Additionally, the player may also recycle excess parts for scrap metal and electronics. A.C.U parts can only be found in enemy bases, and must be returned to the player's settlement to add a piece to the A.C.U.


There are currently 7 types of items that the player can attach to their ATEX Battlesuit, and 1 item the player can use to build the A.C.U.

They are as follows:

90 Millimeter Artillery Cannon
  • Projectile Weapons: Relatively self explanatory. Projectile Weapons fire a single projectile at a time, but can vary vastly in rate of fire, reload speed, armor penetration, damage, and range. Being a very general item type, there are also 7 subtypes:
    • Autocannon: Typically Autocannons have medium/low rates of fire, medium armor penetration, and moderate damage. All of them deal at least 100% damage to most items, but few deal any or full damage to an ATEX Chassis.
    • Artillery Cannon: Artillery Cannons always have slow rates of fire, with high damage and moderate armor penetration. While Artillery Cannons will deal double damage to most, if not all items, few deal double damage to mechs and armoured items.
    • Burst Cannon: Fires a few rapid shots, and reloads for a longer period of time. Typically Burst Cannons are moderate across the board, their longer reload times making up for the quick inaccurate bursts. All Burst Cannons are capable of penetrating an ATEX Chassis, but once again only few deal double damage.
    • Chain Gun: Chain guns are item destroying weapons. With high rates of fire, these guns deal minimal damage, and have low armor penetration. There are currently no Chain Guns in game capable of penetrating an ATEX Chassis, and thus will only deal damage to items.
    • Railgun: Railguns have very high penetration, but extremely slow reload time. All railguns deal double damage to the ATEX Chassis, and most deal 100% damage to most shields and armour. However, on average the reload time for each shot is about 4 or 5 seconds.
    • Tank-Only Sabot Cannon: These are the only weapon tanks use, and can only be use by tanks. Sabot Cannons are much like Railguns in the sense that they are relatively high penetration, yet low rate of fire. Because there is only one of these, the stats are as follows:
      • Armour: 2
      • Damage Per Shot: 25
      • Rate of Fire: 5 seconds
      • Armour Penetration: 5
      • Projectile Speed: 30
    • Settlement Turret: Similar to the Sabot Cannon, Settlement Turrets can only be used by the turrets defending every base, and subsequently cannot be killed due to it's placement behind heavy fortification. Again, due to there only being one, the stats are as follows:
      • Armour: N/A
      • Damage Per Shot: 10
      • Rate of Fire: 0.75 Seconds
      • Armour Penetration: 5
      • Projectile Speed: 25
ATEX Scattergun
  • Scatter Weapons: Scatter Weapons fire more than one projectile with every shot. Typically these weapons have a low range, and fire in multiple directions. The only current exception to this statement is the M-ART b64 (Multi-Artillery 64mm Cannon). Scatter weapons usually have low armor penetration, and moderate damage for every shot, acting as a mech equivalent of a shotgun.

Two Battlesuits With Shields Locked in Combat
  • Shields: Quite literally, shields are large jury-rigged slabs of steel, iron, priceless paintings, whatever the builder could muster to put something tough between the ATEX Chassis and a bullet. These more often than not will block whatever fires at them, and can only be penetrated by items like Railguns, and Artillery Cannons. Shields are also attached to the ATEX Chassis when equipped, allowing the player to rotate it to block any direction they so please.
  • Armor Plates: Much the same as shields, but only able to be attached to the the rear utility slots of an ATEX Suit. Usually covers a smaller area of the rear part of an ATEX as well, and will generally have slightly lower armor than their shield counterparts.
Jury-Rigged Scattergun Shield
  • Gun Shields: Shields with guns. Guns inside shields. A Gun Shield takes on the characteristics of the weapon jammed inside of it, just with extra protection. Gun shields bring the best of both worlds from Shields and Weapons, dealing a little less damage than what the normal weapon would, and having a little less armour than the shield would.

Player Using a Thruster to Maneuver in Combat
  • Thrusters: Thrusters, like Armor Plates, can only be attached to the rear slots of a Battlesuit, and will project the ATEX in whatever way the thruster is facing away from at the time. Thrusters vary only in power of thrust, and armour level.
  • Cargo Expansion Items: Quite simply, Cargo items increase the size of an ATEX's cargohold. Some Cargo items will have the keyword "Reinforced" in the name. All this means is that this item has a little more armour and slightly less cargo space as other items like it.
A.C.U Part Icon
  • A.C.U Parts: A.C.U parts, being important to game progression, can only be found within enemy bases by pressing the "E" key and following the red arrows that appear. There are 8 A.C.U parts spawned each game, but only 6 of them need to be returned to the player's settlement. That being said, if a player returns the extra 2 parts, they will still recieve increases in construction progress.


Combat Between Two ATEX Battlesuits

Players in Aegis have control over the rotation of both their legs, and their torso, much like in the game . This allows the player to be able to move in one direction while firing in another, making items like Shields and Armor Plates easier to use if the player is savvy with the controls. Combat in Aegis serves as a very risky opportunity to either gain more parts, or simply clear the path they need to get to their objectives. Running into enemies will always attract more to the position of the player, as described below:

Enemy Calling for Help

Calls for Help

No matter what enemy the player runs into, that enemy will always call on other enemies for assistance in fighting the player. Enemies in the field will call on 3 of their allies, and enemy bases will call on all of theirs. The enemies called for help will go to the last known location of the player, and if the player is no longer there when they arrive, they continue on exploring and looting the area.