Outlast: Story Explained

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If you don’t want or just cannot beat the game we offer this article which reveals all secrets of Outlast. To cover all aspects of the game we will provide the description of Outlast itself and its additional content named Outlast: Whistleblower. A complete story is focused on the incident inside Mount Massive Asylum where both patients and workers suddenly become mad.

This article is full of huge spoilers what is quite obvious. Read it only if you are not planning to play the game. Here you will find explanations of the most important mysteries. This surely can help to figure out what’s going on in the game.


A few decades ago right after World War II, American government have started Operation Paperclip. During it, hundreds of German scientists were moved to the USA to work there. Their researchers were focused on different objects such as atomic energy, rockets V-2 or human psychology. Scientists were put in secret laboratories or hospitals where they can work remaining almost invisible for entire American society.

But nothing stays buried forever and secrets of former Nazis were revealed in 1971. That was only one small group, but their hideout was closed and they were fired. That hideout was Mount Massive Asylum. Later, in 2009 new group of scientists called Murkoff Corporation being secretly supported by CIA reopened this asylum to continue researches. They wanted to create a supernatural entity which can be controlled by humans.

That was a preamble and now we are close to the story of Outlast. The protagonist Miles Upshur receives an anonymous message about cruel experiments in Mount Massive Asylum. He decides to travel there and reveal secrets of this strange place. Miles enters the building and finds ruined halls, corpses of workers and patients. Our hero also finds a dying guard which warns him about the incident. The asylum is full of mutated inmates now…

Miles wants to leave this place, but Chris Walker catches him. Yes, that is the big guy who wants to kill you. Chris is a former security officer of Murkoff. Anyway, he throws Miles in the atrium where another freak is. Father Martin tells the story of the incident and claims that Miles is his apostle which has to tell the world about Mount Massive Asylum. Martin forces a journalist to discover all secrets.

Let’s pass about 80% of the gameplay when Miles exploring his new prison, running from maniacs and trying to survive. He meets Father Martin again near the end of the game and reveals that there is the Walrider, a swarm of nanoparticles controlled by one of the comatose patients called Billy Hope. Martin then immolates himself telling that the elevator is usable now. That last trick causes that Miles descends into a kind of lab under the surface.

There our hero finds Rudolf Wernicke, a former Nazi, and scientist in Murkoff Corporation. Rudolf claims that the Walrider drives mad and wants to kill everybody here so Miles should deactivate a life supporting system of Billy Hope, the Walrider’s host. Miles accepts it, but after deactivating becomes a new host for a strange entity. At the end soldiers of Murkoff with Wernicke try to kill Miles, but the Walrider protects him and murders guards.

Outlast: Whistleblower

As Outlast left a lot of questions developers created this additional story. It starts with actions of the original game and ends a bit after that. Here the main protagonist is Waylon Park, one of the workers in the asylum. His story explains what’s going on in this building. Smart folks from Murkoff exploit the Morphogenic Engine to control dreams of patients. They create the Walrider, a kind of ghost consisting of nanoparticles and slightly controlled by humans’ will.

Waylon sends an e-mail to Miles Upshur with the description of inhuman tortures and researchers. Then the Walrider crushes his chains only two starts the incident. Waylon gets rid of his own bonds and runs to the exit. His adventures are quite similar to ones of Miles as he even moves the same way, but mirrored. After several encounters with mutated patients and bosses Waylon leaves the asylum and spots a car near entrance…

Yes, Miles Upshur came by this car. But Miles now is near the main door of the building possessed by the Walrider. This episode shows that Outlast and Outlast: Whistleblower is taking action on the same day. Waylon with his videos recorded on the camera leaves the asylum safely and Miles remains there. It’s also not specified whether Rudolf Wernicke survived or not. But it’s obvious that Murkoff Corporation is still dangerous.

In the last scene of this additional story, Waylon decides to upload his videos and opens secrets of Murkoff to the world.

Published in Outlast - others

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